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  • Writer's pictureAbbey Bemis

Days of Development Kick Off


It's our favorite time of year again - time to tell the stories of developments past in our 12 Days of Development. This will be our 6th annual email series celebrating a few of the outstanding businesses making a positive impact in Erie County.

The end of one year and start of another is a refreshing time in economic development. We appreciate the pause, reflection, and new beginnings that come along with the season. The 12 Days of Development allow us to reflect on the momentum and opportunities provided by the Firelands region of Ohio's north coast.

Watch your email inbox each day, December 5th – 16th, for a spotlight on companies investing, improving, and innovating in our community. #ErieCounty12Days

We encourage you to read these messages, share the good news, congratulate your neighbors, and let us know what you're working on for 2023.


The ECEDC Team

Abbey, Alissa, David, Lindsey, Luis, Makenna, & Nico

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